Saturday, June 8, 2013

Unhealthy Update.... I'm only human.

I've been unhealthy lately. I'm just broke. I've got all my bills caught up, but have very little left over to buy groceries. Therefore, I'm eating like crap. I'm not snacking, I'm just eating more fast food. BUT I have completely knocked out energy drinks. Now my body's like "What the hell, dude?!" And I'm extra tired and thrown off lately. I'm just waiting for things to even out again. Also, I ran out of ginseng. Nooooo....
But it'll be ok. I think I'm just gonna have to add some extra workouts to my daily routine - which currently consists of no workouts. I know, I was doing so good! This is the exact reason why I don't diet. When you try and force yourself to be repetitive and strict, your brain just itches to break the plan. And then, for some reason, once you mess up you feel like the whole day or week is screwed, so you might as well start over on Monday.

Our one year anniversary is coming up. I can't believe how much we've both grown in a year! I think I need to be nicer to him. I feel like I always expect so much and, I'm so used to getting disappointed and hurt, that I'm ready to throw in the towel when he does the tiniest thing wrong. But just because he's not perfect doesn't mean he's not perfect for me. I can't have everything. I am blessed though. Since I've turned my life around and started giving things to God again, things seem to just fall into place. That's how I know something is "meant to be". I prayed for happiness. That's all I really need. I push so hard for everything to be perfect all the time, or else my head might explode. But when I let Him take over and take the pressure off of myself, I can just relax and enjoy the show.

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