Saturday, June 1, 2013


So I had a tiny anxiety attack. I think. What happened was just an argument with my boyfriend about money. I have bills I need his help with because of my new car payment and then I found out my bank account was overdrawn by "excessive activity". Ugh. It's my fault for trying to do too much too fast. Trying to throw all my money into savings when I knew I'd be transferring it out in 5 minutes for gas. Stupid.

Anyway. My face got really hot and red, fast. I freaked out because I swear you could have fried bacon on my cheeks, they were so hot. I started to wonder if I was going to spontaneously combust, which made me freak out more.

When I'm mad, when anyone's mad or frustrated, to keep from punching a wall or a person, what is your body's first instinct? To take a deep breath and exhale loudly. You might not even know you do it, but think about it. Unless you're one of those people who just hits things, in which case, I feel ya, bro. :)

So I googled "breathing techniques for anxiety". I'm going to try a few of them out and post about them later. So far, I've found that the fact that I'm concentrating on breathing and counting keeps me distracted from my stress. This might be a very helpful solution. I'm not sure if the calm breathing itself is what's working, but I'm willing to try anything.

In the meantime, my puppy is hiding her face under the blanket because my temper tantrum scared her. I'm a monster. :/

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