Sunday, June 2, 2013

Recent accomplishments and new goals

Over this past year I have:
-Quit drinking. Not, like cold turkey, I'm still human. But nowhere even close to how I used to drink. I'm talking vodka for breakfast. Now I probably have a beer maybe once a month. This is probably the biggest reason I've lost 30 lbs.
-Finally leased a car in my own name again. First time leasing, billionth time having a car.
-Fixed my bank account credit enough to actually have an account again.
-Finally went to the doctor and got a checkup, which reassured me that I'm completely fine, and also a hypochondriac.
-Stayed at a job for more than 6 months, making more than I've ever made for this amount of time.
-Witnessed God's blessings more than once.
-tithing. It feels good to give money here and there. I know it comes back around 10X over. Even without a reward, I still love it.

Things I need to do:
-Make friends and hang out with them outside of work.
-Get a gym membership.
-Pay off ALL my debt.
-Get a house.
-Lose more lbs.
-Grow out my hair.
-Make plans and follow through with them.
-Start yoga.
-Go to church, at least once a month. Or at least listen to worship music more often.

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