Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I'd like to apologize my stomach for putting so much McDonalds in it lately. I'm just broke. But my car is fixed so I've been working out again. I get depressed easily and I realized that the only time I'm not depressed, or feeling zombie-like, is when I'm working out. Even on my way to the gym I feel so much better about myself. I worked out for 2 hours the other day. It's been a slow exercise week though.. I've got 27 hours of overtime at work so I really don't have much time. When I'm not at work I'm just exhausted! By the time I get home and we've done something about dinner, I'm ready to pass out.

Also, I've had the most obnoxious headache for the past 2 weeks. It can't be stressed because honestly, I'm not worried about too much right now, other than getting a day off.

I've been relying on God for every little thing lately and that alone helps relieve so much stress.

Work is going good. I love my job and am finally in a position where I feel like I have job security.

As far as my blog goes, I haven't forgotten about it, it's just that I was in such a dark place for a few days that even when I tried to start writing, I had a mental block and felt like I had nothing worth sharing. But I feel better. I'm attaching a picture of these vitamins I'm taking (on top of all the others). They're supposed to help release serotonin, which helps your mood and all that good stuff.
It also causes drowsiness. Goodnight.

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